Legal Question in DUI Law in Pennsylvania
I lost my licsence in 2000 went to jail served my time.August 24 2004 I moved to Montana I was supposed to get my Licsence back on Feb. 12 2005.When I tried to get my licsence back in Montana Pa. D.M.V. told me I did not serve my jail time.(which I did) And they also said I did not pay my fines (which I did) All I want to do is get my licsence in Montana so I dont have to Keep Paying somebody to drive me to my jobs. I have my own business here in Havre Montana.I am a General Contractor.
Asked on 12/14/07, 8:14 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
John Gibson
John W. Gibson, Esquire
Re: Dui
It may be possible for a Pennsylvania attorney to help you with this. It is probably more useful to get an attorney in the County where you had the DUI since it might require actually going to the Court where you were sentenced.
Answered on 12/15/07, 2:43 pm