Legal Question in Family Law in Pennsylvania

I have a child with my long term girlfriend. However, I am ready to end the relationship but whenever I let her know, she threats to call the cops on me and say that I been abusing our son and all other kinds of lies so that I cant see my son. And I'm worried because I do have a record. Since me and her have been together she has had me arrested numerous times and had restraining orders on me. She even had me kicked out my own home for a week. I work two jobs and I pay all the bills, she doesn't work at all, she's 17 she drinks and smokes. And I just wanna know if I would take her to court over custody of my son, whats the chance that I could get him?

Asked on 2/12/11, 12:40 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Justin Gearty Law Office of Justin C Gearty Jr

It is very hard, if not impossible, to speak to the likelyhood of success at trial for a matter like this without doing a full consultation. A full consultation is needed so all of the strenghts and weaknesses of your case can be thoroughly reviewed. The court makes custody determinations by using the best interest of the child standard. Under this standard, the court will take multiple different things into consideration.

One piece of advice that I do have is to retain a lawyer. Your chances of success are much much greater if you have an attorney versus going unrepresented.

If you do not already have an attorney and would like to discuss this further, feel free to give me a call. I offer free phone consultations.

Justin C Gearty Jr


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Answered on 2/12/11, 1:53 pm

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