Legal Question in Business Law in Minnesota

online sale

We sold a computer part to a company in California, we are in Minnesota. The Customer says the product is defective and disputed the Credit card charge. We tried to pick up the defective merchandise and get them a good part but the company will not let us pick up the defective product because they turned and sold it to someone else. The Credit card company said the documents from the shipping companies stating they went to pick it up and were refused are heresay and are not a good reason to overturn the chargeback. Are we able to sue in order to either get our part back or to get our money that is owed. basically we are out the money and our part. We were not given a chance to make the situation right?

Asked on 10/16/07, 10:19 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Anderson Anderson Business Law LLC

Re: online sale

Yes you are able to sue them for the price, unless it was "rejected" under the UCC. Depending on your contract, you may be able to venue it in Minn.

How much is at stake? COntract provide for atty fees? Venue? WHy not?

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Answered on 10/16/07, 4:15 pm

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